Home Journal: Food Journal

The Home Journal isn’t just for household chores and the like. FlyLady calls it a “Control Journal” so that you can take control of your life. This is one of those additions that goes towards that.

If you’ve followed DA a while you might remember these diet & exercise journal printables I made a while back. When I was following a strict wheat free diet and needed to track everything for fertility purposes it was my best option.
With my NEW Home Journal I wanted to add more pizzaz & color, so I made…… this one:

Pretty, ain’t it? šŸ™‚ Ā 

My new journal will stay on the window/bar between the living room & kitchen since my chair will sit near it. I will leave it open and I can flip through it as needed, so I will probably put this in a page protector and track it daily.
The goal with any diet & fitness program is to meet your goals DAILY, and if you mess up, tomorrow is a new day. Erase today & do better tomorrow!

So far on our Home Journal we have covered:
Weekly To-Do List
Dear Babysitter
Important Numbers
Perpetual Cleaning ScheduleĀ (Editable in MS Office)
Food Journal (it was an unplanned “…one more!”)

Stay tuned for:15 Minute Quick CleansPrintable Chore ChartsĀ (Editable in MS Office)…and more!


PS: Just a reminder to my printables followers!, Nitro PDF allows you to type text into ANY pdf, save, and/or print it, or even create your own. Best of all… It’s FREE!!! Check it out HERE. I’m not an affiliate, so I get nothing for sending you to it. I just love it and think you will too!


What’s the hold up?

Ok so I lost 4.2 lbs my first day on Atkins… which I am sure was built up water since I peed ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG. Today I am holding steady at the same weight.. but I had to up my carbs last night.

There are three major side effects to Atkins and apparently I am going to get them all.
Predicted Day 1-3 headaches from your body missing the carbs
Predicted Day 2-4 exhaustion from your body missing the carbs
Predicted Week 1-2 severe leg crams from lack of potassium – apparently we get most of our potassium from a lot of high carb foods.

The headaches I’m used to – I get migraines arouns AF time, O time, and anytime I’m stressed  So the dull ache I had Mon & Tues was not terrible… bring on the Aleve.

I’m home alone right now and my main purpose in life is wash/dry/fold laundry… so I can nap in between – so the exhaustion is workable.

But the cramps. O. M. G.!!!! Last night I was laying in bed with Kaelyn watching Heathcliff on Netflix.. laying on my side, knees curled/fetal position. And I needed to get up & go pee. Thank heavens it wasn’t an emergency because my knees & calves had cramped up so bad it took me about 5-10 minutes to slowly flex & unflex them till I got my legs straight!!

I talked to DH and he agrees with me that I need to wait to hit it hard core until I get to the store this weekend and get some potassium supplements.

Until then I am going to stay “lower than usual” carbs. Since MFP was documenting my pre-Atkins carbs at usually near but occasionally over 300… I think I need to wean while I’m waiting on my potassium.

I’ll still have my lunch salad, but have a small potato or serving of rice with dinner and last night I had some peanut butter on a slice of bread. I’ll be diligent but not so high or so low. I think I’m going to am to have 80-100 carbs comfortably by the weekend & re-start Monday. I also have a pantry full of gluten free foods that I can’t eat on the diet.. like my GF pastas and flours that are $5/lb. I can feed it to my family.. and I do/will, but it’s too expensive to “waste” since I can now buy them regular/gluten-loaded options for 96Ā¢. (Side note: I made Gf pasta last night and didn’t eat any because it was before the cramps… anyway 46 carbs per 3/4 cup serving!!!!)

I found this list, and what I have like this* I had at least 1-3x a week on my previous diet so it’s no wonder that I’m missing my potassium!!!

Food (100g) Potassium (mg)
Apricots 1380
Bran Wheat 1160
Tomato Puree 1150*
Raisins 1020*
Figs 900
Wheat Germ 950
Dried Fruit Mix 880
Mixed Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin) 650
Mixed Nuts 600*
Baked Potato with Skin 600*
Roasted Potatoes 530*
Bran Flakes 530
Boiled Soy Beans 510
Veal 420
Whole Grain Pasta 400*
Banana 400*
Soy Flour 1650*

Once I pass induction (2 weeks) I can add seeds back, and some nuts, as well as soy products – all in moderation but that will get some potassium back in my diet.

When these 2 weeks are done add 5 carbs per week until I reach a steady goal of 2-3lbs per week loss. And I can re-cycle induction in when I feel I need a boost.

Lets’ see if I can hang on to the 4 lbs I lost till Monday!!!

Until later! Anne Marie

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